Richard Electronics Announces Arteris’ Automotive Solutions for Armv9 CPUs

Richard Electronics

Leading semiconductor distributor partners with Arteris to drive innovation in vehicle electronics

HONGKONG, CHINA, March 15, 2024 / — Richard Electronics, a major distributor of semiconductor and electrical components, is pleased to announce the expansion of Arteris’ automotive solutions for Armv9 architecture CPUs. The alliance between Arteris, a system IP supplier, and Arm intends to speed up vehicle electronics innovation.

Arteris fulfilled their commitment to Arm by supplying simulation-based verification technologies for Armv9 and CHI-E designs. This collaboration allows for speedier development in the automotive industry by addressing the design problems of next-generation vehicle electronics.

The combination of Arm processors and Arteris’ Ncore cache coherent connection IP enables the development of critical automotive applications like as autonomous driving, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), infotainment systems, and more.

Suraj Gajendra, Vice President of Arm’s Automotive Line of Business for Products and Solutions, stressed the importance of this collaboration, saying, “We are at a watershed point in the automotive sector, and it is critical to rethink automotive product development and deployment processes. The latest generation of Arm’s automotive enhanced computing and software solutions, combined with Arteris’ flexible and configurable Ncore cache coherent interconnect IP, enables customers to accelerate development and bring next-generation automotive electronics products to market more quickly.”

Arteris refined and validated their Ncore cache coherence interconnect IP to ensure seamless interoperability with Arm Cortex-A processors, DynamIQ Shared Units (DSU), and Generic Interrupt Controllers (GIC). Arteris uses hardware simulation to ensure interoperability and evaluate essential cache coherence scenarios, lowering project time and costs.

Frank Schirrmeister, Vice President of Solutions and Business Development at Arteris, highlighted the benefits of this partnership, stating, “Customers have been seeking ways to accelerate their pace of innovation, and Arm’s automotive enhanced computing product portfolio provides the necessary foundation to meet the requirements of advanced automotive electronics. By expanding our collaboration with Arm and utilizing Arteris system IP, our customers benefit from increased productivity and faster time-to-silicon.”

Richard Electronics, an authorized distributor, is delighted to promote this relationship and provide the most recent Arteris solutions. Richard Electronics remains committed to excellence and client satisfaction, offering a diverse range of genuine and traceable products to meet the changing needs of the global electronic design engineer and buyer communities.

For more information about Richard Electronics and their range of products, please visit the Website of Richard Electronics

About Richard Electronics:
Richard Electronics, a well-known distributor of semiconductors and electronic components, focuses on introducing new products from major manufacturers. Richard Electronics has a global presence and offers a wide choice of items from over 1,200 manufacturer brands. The company attempts to provide great customer service and ships to over 650,000 clients in 223 countries/territories via its cutting-edge distribution facilities.

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