Grupo Aval Joins Forces with Colombian Resilient Youth to Showcase Dance as a Vehicle for Inclusion at Estéreo Picnic

Grupo Aval Joins Forces with Colombian Resilient Youth to Showcase Dance as a Vehicle for Inclusion at Estéreo Picnic

Black Boys

Jovenes Creadores del Chocó

Grupo Aval is uniting with music and inclusion. We invited some of the young leaders from Chocó to experience the festival firsthand, inspiring them to continue pursuing music as a life project,”

— María Fernanda Sánchez, Marketing & ESG Manager at Grupo Aval.

BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA , April 1, 2024 / — In an unprecedented move that melds cultural celebration with social advocacy, Grupo Aval, in collaboration with the Resilient Youth program by USAID and ACDI/VOCA, has partnered with two dynamic youth collectives from Chocó—Black Boys and Young Creators of Chocó. Their joint initiative at the Festival Estéreo Picnic in Bogotá, March 2024, demonstrates the profound impact of dance as a tool for fostering diversity and inclusion.

Festival Estéreo Picnic, Colombia’s premier music and arts festival, known for its eclectic lineup and vibrant atmosphere, served as the perfect backdrop for this innovative campaign. Grupo Aval’s initiative allowed festival-goers to win AvalPass benefits by engaging in a dance challenge created by the youth of Chocó, highlighting the power of music and dance to unite people from diverse backgrounds.

“Grupo Aval is uniting with music and inclusion. That’s why, alongside the Black Boys and Young Creators of Chocó corporations, we wanted to challenge our clients to follow their steps and enjoy the benefits of AvalPass. We also invited some of the young leaders from Chocó to experience the festival firsthand, inspiring them to continue pursuing music as a life project,” stated María Fernanda Sánchez, Marketing & ESG Manager at Grupo Aval.

This partnership, framed within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), underscores Grupo Aval’s commitment to leading in the realms of Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity. It represents a structured policy of inclusion that aims to promote coexistence, empathy, and respect for diversity through concrete actions.

Anu Rajaraman, Director of USAID Colombia, remarked on the initiative’s potential, “At USAID Colombia, we are convinced of the transformative power of music and entertainment to promote inclusion and diversity. Through this Grupo Aval-led initiative at FEP 2024, we are delighted to showcase the young talent of Quibdó, who find in dance a source of purpose, opportunities, and hope.”

More than 750 young talents from Chocó have engaged in this initiative, with participants expressing gratitude towards Grupo Aval for believing in their talent. “Dance helps transform lives, bringing good vibes. We are very happy and grateful to Grupo Aval and its entertainment platform #ExperienciasAval for believing in our talent, sharing it with the world, and inviting us to live this experience at the Festival Estéreo Picnic,” shared Jhonier Andres Mosquera Valencia of the Young Creators of Chocó Corporation.

Jhonathan Ramírez, also known as ‘Bonice’, leader of the Black Boys, added, “We want to show more young people that through dance, we can overcome. Living such a powerful #ExperienciaAval will motivate us to continue pursuing our dreams.”

Grupo Aval’s involvement in purpose-driven entertainment actions like ‘Bathrooms for All’ and the Very Inclusive People (V.I.P) experience in previous years has laid a solid foundation for initiatives like this one. These efforts have not only promoted themes of inclusion and diversity but have also solidified Grupo Aval’s role in creating constructive, respectful, and discrimination-free environments.

To participate in the festival’s unique experience, individuals are required to be clients of Banco Aval or dale!, follow the designated social media accounts, upload a reel imitating one of the collective’s choreographies, and indicate their preferred day of attendance. Winners will enjoy a day at the Festival Estéreo Picnic suite, complete with snacks and round-trip transportation, underscoring Grupo Aval’s pioneering efforts to marry entertainment with social impact.

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