The Blue Deer Center Launches Transformative Online Course: Growing Awareness of Nature

The Blue Deer Center Launches Transformative Online Course: Growing Awareness of Nature

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The Blue Deer Center introduces an online course designed to connect individuals with nature, addressing loneliness and depression via ancient wisdom and tools.

Whether you are deeply involved in spiritual pursuits or simply wish to live a life more aligned with nature’s rhythms, “Growing Awareness of Nature” provides the understanding to make that possible.”

— Sabina Garcia

MARGARETVILLE, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, March 12, 2024 / — The Blue Deer Center Launches Transformative Online Course: Growing Awareness of Nature

The Plant Spirit Medicine Department of The BlueDeer Center is happy to announce the launch of its latest online, on-demand course, “Growing Awareness of Nature.”

This innovative course is designed for individuals who seek to bridge the gap between their busy, modern lives and the rhythms of the natural world, aiming to alleviate feelings of disconnection, loneliness, anxiety, or depression through the profound wisdom of plant spirits and nature’s interconnectedness.

Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World

“Growing Awareness of Nature” is rooted in the seminal teachings of Blue Deer Center’s founder, Eliot Cowan, an acclaimed author, teacher and healer. Cowan’s practice and his book, “Plant Spirit Medicine,” have touched the lives of thousands globally. This course extends his legacy, combining his insights with those of indigenous elders, Plant Spirit Medicine practitioners, doctors, and community leaders worldwide. It offers a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern practicality, guiding participants on a transformative journey to deepen their connection with the natural world.

A Course Designed for All

Whether you are deeply involved in spiritual pursuits or simply wish to live a life more aligned with nature’s rhythms, “Growing Awareness of Nature” provides the tools and understanding to make that possible. The course is available on-demand through the Ruzuku platform, making it accessible to participants across the globe from the comfort of their homes.

What Participants Will Gain

• Insights into the ancient wisdom of plant spirits and healers around the world.

• A deeper awareness of the interconnectedness of all living beings, including oneself.

• Practical tools for integrating nature’s teachings into daily life.

Embracing Nature’s Teachings

Since its launch on December 5th, 2023, the course has welcomed a diverse group of participants, from herbalists and yogis to artists and psychotherapists, reflecting the universal appeal and applicability of its teachings. Participants have highlighted the profound impact of the course, from changing perceptions of nature to fostering a sense of gratitude and connection with the plant world.

What people are saying about Growing Awareness of Nature:

“I am feeling such gratitude to have found this course, and to be a part of the bridge rebuilding between the plant people, the elementals and humanity. I’m honored to be heeding this call, and I feel so nourished by all of the rich teachings from the elders in this course who offer us their loving wisdom of the natural world. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

– Pratibha Devi , Italy

“This course provides a rare opportunity to hear from teachers and indigenous elders who have had profound experiences with the natural world. The best part is that as participant you are given guidance in how to connect with the plants so that you too can receive their knowledge and wisdom!”

– Magie Klippel, USA

An Esteemed Panel of Presenters

“Growing Awareness of Nature” features a lineup of respected figures, including Alison Gayek, Patrick Hanaway, M.D., Sofía Díaz Hernández, Colin Campbell, Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., Don Aurelio Ramirez, Pat McCabe, Kathleen Maier, RH (AHG) and Eliot Cowan. Their collective expertise enriches the course, offering a well-rounded and deeply informed approach to understanding and interacting with nature.

Join Us on This Journey

The Blue Deer Center invites individuals and media partners to explore “Growing Awareness of Nature” and share in the mission to reconnect with the natural world. For more information, course enrolment, and to view the course trailer, please visit Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Find logos and other assets for publication here:

Join us in rediscovering the wisdom of nature and nurturing a deeper, more meaningful connection with the world around us.


Sabina Garcia
Blue Deer Center
[email protected]
Visit us on social media:

Growing Awareness of Nature Trailer

Originally published at