New RPAN and MITA Survey Shows Overwhelming Public Opposition to Proposed Medicare Cuts
Comprehensive National Survey Also Showed Overwhelming Support for Better Healthcare Equity and Removing Barriers to Imaging Care



A comprehensive new national survey conducted by the Radiology Business Management Association's Radiology Patient Action Network (RPAN) and the Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA) indicates strong opposition among Americans to proposed cuts in Medicare reimbursement rates for healthcare providers.

The poll found that 76% of respondents disagreed with reducing payments to doctors and other healthcare providers for Medicare services. Additionally, 53% agreed that cutting payments to providers is equivalent to cutting Medicare itself. Forty-nine percent were extremely concerned and 31% were somewhat concerned about potential reimbursement cuts to doctors.

"This data clearly shows that the American people do not support cuts to Medicare providers that could reduce access to quality care," said Bob Still, Executive Director of RPAN. "We urge Congress and the Administration to listen to the people and reconsider these proposed reimbursement reductions that could seriously impact patient care across the country."

There was also overwhelming opposition to paying healthcare providers less for imaging services like mammograms, with 74% disagreeing with proposed cuts. Approximately 73% agreed that the government should be investing more in lifesaving diagnostic imaging.  

"Cutting reimbursements now would only further damage providers that are still recovering from COVID-19," said Patrick Hope, Executive Director of MITA. "Ensuring adequate funding for imaging services that detect diseases early and save lives needs to remain a top priority."

The principle of healthcare equity also resonated strongly. About 76% believed that all Americans deserve access to optimal healthcare regardless of non-medical factors. Many had experienced barriers to imaging care over the past two years.

"Lawmakers need to keep equity in mind and avoid changes that might impede access," said Still. "Investing in critical services while promoting healthcare equity should be priority number one." 

The wide-ranging poll was conducted from Oct. 11-13 among 1,200 Americans. It has a +/- 2.8 percentage point margin of error. RPAN and MITA urge Congress and the Administration to fully consider public opinion and avoid imposing cuts that could hurt healthcare providers and Medicare patients. Investing in critical services like diagnostic imaging while promoting healthcare equity should be central aims of policymakers.

About RBMA

The Radiology Business Management Association (RBMA) is an industry-leading organization of more than 2,100 professionals who focus on the business of radiology. RBMA members support diagnostic imaging, interventional radiology and radiation oncology providers in the full spectrum of practice settings. RBMA connects members nationwide to valuable information, education, and practice-related resources and serves as an authoritative industry voice on behalf of shared member interests.

About MITA

The Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA), a division of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), is the leading trade association representing the manufacturers of medical imaging equipment, radiopharmaceuticals, contrast media, and focused ultrasound devices. MITA represents companies whose sales make up more than 90 percent of the global market for advanced imaging technologies and strives to promote innovation, protect patient safety, and establish industry standards.

Contact Information:
Will Sweet
[email protected]

Original Source: New RPAN and MITA Survey Shows Overwhelming Public Opposition to Proposed Medicare Cuts